Hint: it's not what you think! Conflicting agendas influential institutions have persuaded us to focus on the wrong primary goal. Get grounded and remember your original purpose.
We are taught to be completely present with the client...but the truth is your brain is frantically trying to assimilate all of the information being thrown at you. We've got some solid techniques to help you.
How do you squeeze out information from clients who don't want to give you any? How do you redirect a client who wants to talk on one topic all day? We've got you covered.
Age, Denial, Tricky Symptoms, Complex Cases
are just a few of the special challenges that can make the interview harder.
Maybe you've thought, "I have no idea what I'm doing. I wish someone had trained me to give this interview."
Or maybe: "I don't feel confident. Maybe that is because I am not good at this. Maybe I shouldn't be a clinician.
Either way, The Clinical Interview is going to ensure you never feel that way again.
A renewed understanding of the Interview's purpose and how to structure it to your benefit.
A load of tools to reach your clients and get at the needed information while building a positive rapport.
Immediately applicable strategies to conduct a dynamic interview even in challenging sessions.
Hello fellow clinician! I'm glad you are here.
Like many of you, I've had jobs in most entry points in the mental health system over my nearly 30 year career, from hospitalization to residential care. The
only clinical task that I encountered in every single job I had was conducting a clinical interview with clients.
And yet I never actually learned how to conduct a great interview. I had paperwork in front of me, and great pressure from funding sources to write a diagnosis after a VERY short amount of time with the client...but how to go from greeting a person I have never met to knowing enough about the person to have a direction of how to help them is not taught. We learn on the job, a painful process that largely depends on how good your clinical supervision is - if you have it. Yet there are very clear skills in creating a purposeful and successful interview. I wrote this training 15 years ago in order to better arm us with those skills and to reduce our stress surrounding this vital clinical task. It is reviewed and updated every year to ensure we are offering best practices in clinical interviewing, and that it remains fun and useful.
I'm delighted you found it. Let's get you ready to tackle the clinical interview!
a place where you can take trainings when you want, where you want, and how you want. You direct the learning.
learning clear, specific tools and strategies to use in your very next sessions.
gaining access to a pool of resources, including multiple ways to engage with the actual trainer and a community of clinicians like you.
Where training and supervision MEET.
Watch it whenever you want, wherever you want, and at whatever pace you learn best. Want to view it again later? No problem, access it anytime.
Resources galore. You get downloadable slides of the content,
book recommendations, and a list of videos to keep the learning going once the training ends.
Here is where The Rose Center shines. After the training, you have the opportunity to join an online community of clinicians who have also been trained AND access to meetups and formal supervision with your instructor. Keep the conversation going fo as long as you like.
You want trainings that are easy to access AND give useful content.
You want your next steps strategically planned with clear engagement.
You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had someone to bounce off ideas.
You have a lot of questions and need somewhere to get them answered.
You want to strengthen your clinical skills and watch your career soar.
You already know everything you need in your career.
You only choose trainings if they are free and offered at your job.
You can't invest in yourself and your success, and don't want to grow your career.
You don't care about the quality of the training, and want one you can skip to the end and get easy credits.
You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and staying at your current skill level.
Learn the primary goal of the clinical interview (which isn't what it seems) and other supporting initial goals.
How do you prepare your space, your materials, and yourself to create the best atmosphere for a successful interview?
What specific skills do you need for interviewing? What can you do to get the most information from your clients?
How is the interview structured, what are the sections, and the vital information in each section?
What are some common challenges that complicate the clinical interview and how to address them?
What is the best way to describe the interview on paper, what needs to be included and what should be excluded?
You choose when, where, and how to absorb the material. You also have a choices in how you pay.
Slides, book lists, video recommendations!
Community of clinicians and access to SUPERVISION!
6 hours without CEC/CEUs
6 Hours of Content Videos
Handouts to download including all slides and links to film clips
Recommended Reading List
Access to Online Community for Q&A
Automatic Certificate of Completion
6 hours WITH CEC/CEUs
6 Hours of Content Videos
Handouts to download including all slides and links to film clips
Recommended Reading List
Access to Online Community for Q&A
Automatic Certificate of Completion WITH Continuing Education Credit: 6 hours approved by NASW
You get:
The Clinical Interview (6 hours)
The Art of Diagnosis (10 hours)
Making Sense of the DSM (6 hours)
Automatic Certificate of Completion WITH Continuing Education Credit:
22 hours approved by NASW
This product has a 30 day money back guarantee IF you only work through the initial introductory module of this course and are not completely satisfied we will refund your money. ** Refunds must be requested in writing within this refund period.
No and nope! You get to decide when you take the training. Pay today and start the training whenever you want, it's yours forever! You but several trainings now and then watch them over several years to get all of your annual CECs in a timely fashion. Or take all the trainings now, it's up to you!
No again! We have two options for every training so that those of you who don't need CECs don't have to pay for them and those who need them can get them. When purchasing a training, just make sure you purchase the offer WITH CECs if you need them (there is a chance to do this later if you make a mistake).
We call our community The Garden, and you can access it right from our website. We have two communities: one for clinicians and one for supervisors. We operate all Group Supervision sessions out of The Garden, so a membership will give you both 24/7 access to the community and access to weekly Super Groups. You can find The Garden by clicking on the Supervision tab at the top of the page. It takes a garden to grow a healthy career. Plant yours here. 🌿
We like to offer as much choice as possible here at The Rose Center for Learning.
You can choose your training topic
You can choose to get continuing education credit or not
You can choose discount offers on other trainings
You can choose to become a member (coming 2023)
You can choose the payment method (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay, Credit Card)
You can choose from 4 different types of Supervision
You can choose how many Individual Supervision sessions to purchase
You can sometimes choose how you pay (in full or payment plan)
You can choose to become a part of a dynamic community of clinicians
© 2024 The Rose Center for Learning